Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Just got back from my family reunion. It was okay. I am so whiped out from being sick and the reunion. The doctors have a guess and a hope of what is wrong with me. I had a CT scan done on my chest. They discovered some spots on my lungs. The doctor said because I am young and the spots are mainly in the upper parts of my lungs that it is more likely an allergic reaction to something. There is an airborne mold which indigenous to where I live. I am affected by it because I was not born or raised here. Most who have grown up living here are use to it and it doesn't affect them anymore. I have to have another CT scan at the end of September to make sure the spots do not grow larger. If they get any bigger then it is not an allergic reaction but cancer that has spread to my lungs. If they shrink or stay the same then it is just the reaction. If they are bigger they will do a biopsy and search the rest of my body for the cancer. They haven't told me anything about my enlarged heart except it could be do to my weight. I don't think it is entirely that because just last fall my heart was normal size. But we shall see. See you all soon.
[[ 2:10 AM ]]
i love hamsters`