Tuesday, June 26, 2007
It has been awhile since I last posted.
VBS was great this year and we had record attendence. Now that it is over it is back to homelife. My mom and I were at the building everyday all day for two weeks. We ate every meal out. Now we are home and found my brother has done nothing for two weeks but make a mess of the house. All the dishes are dirty and some molding. None of the laundry has been done and of course no house cleaning took place. So now my mom and I are trying to clean but looking at it all makes us depressed and we don't want to do anything. Every summer since I had started college I would come home and help immediatly with the housework and cleaning but my dad would still tell me to do more so I would earn my keep. My brother hasn't done a dog gone thing to help clean and my dad says nothing. Before VBS started there was a day when I had cleaned the kitchen and my mom and I had done all the laundry. We tried to get my brother to help but he refused. My brother managed to mow the lawn thirty minutes before my dad came home. My dad praises my brother for mowing the lawn. I told him that my brother wouldn't help us at all. My dad says well it looks like he did more than you did. It was one of those times when I felt like smaking my father. I was so mad. Then today my mom and I were in her room trying to clean it and my mom asked my brother to cook the meat for dinner. My brother says the pan was dirty and he couldn't cook it. My mom told him to wash it. He yells up the stairs she should do it because it is her job. My dad and brother are in that mindset that women do everything in the home except mow and take out the garbage which they don't want us to do. No matter how many times we tell them that ain't true they still pull it. We had the sewer back up into our basement again and my mom and I nearly lost it. We have decided that everything is coming out of the basement. My mom and I of course are going to be the ones to do it because they won't lift a finger to help. My mom and I have to clean this house completely so that we can do it. It would be doable if my brother and father didn't live here. But they do and leave messes we have to clean up. We have tried the leave it until they get tired of it and they will clean it up strategy but it didn't work. Things grow mold and make my mom and I sick so we give up and clean it or throw it away. My mom is leaving Saturday to go with the youth group as a chaperone. I get to stay home and try to clean and keep the house clean while my brother and dad will be home. It just so happens to be my dad's week off. I know I am going to lose it because I already am about to. My mom just told me something else that makes things even worse but I can't tell you because she had me promise not to. Needless to say I need lots of prayers.
[[ 11:47 PM ]]
i love hamsters`
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
It is Valentine's Day again. I hate it. It is especially hard today because it fell on a Wednesday this year. It has been eleven years and I still can't get over it. Only one time did I manage to forget it for awhile. That was when the big group of us girls plus the boy went to see the Phantom of the Opera in the theatre. I wish we could all go do something today. But we are all over the country now.
My brother-in-law is now leaving for Drills in April and California in May and then Iraq. Hopefully he will return sooner and not in a body bag. They are both taking it really hard and he is now wishing my sister was pregnant.
I guess that is it for now.
[[ 1:02 PM ]]
i love hamsters`
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I went back to the doctor and lo and behold my blood pressure was back down to normal because she took it before aggrevating me. But get this she still wanted be to start taking the blood pressure medicine. I started taking it on Friday because I figured if I got sick than we could sue her and get some money. So far I am doing well. My dad and I went to a movie last night because he hadn't been able to go with us when he had to wait for the plumber. He tried to give me the line that he was blowing off his homework to go with me. He was trying to make me feel guilty. He works everyday at Delphi. Then he teaches Friday and Baker College. Then he is also taking an online accountancy class with Harding to go towards his second masters. Let's just say that he can be a pain in the neck when they take up his time. Then last night my brother-in-law called. He started the conversation with my mom asking her if I would marry him. He wants to trade my sister for me. He was calling from the hospital because it looked like my sister had appendicitis. He said he should have married me and would have if he had met me first. What am I suppose to think about that? Well it turned out my sister is fine but her endometriosis was probably acting up. Anyhow, my secretary position is going well. I am getting everything done within a couple hours but have to stay all day just in case someone calls. We hardly get a call. Yesturday the construction crews who are putting in the city water lines to the building ended up busting our water main. We were sent home by one of our elders. When my mom called my grandpa (another elder) to see if he knew about it and if he would find out if it would be fixed so I can come today. He got mad because we left early and said there was no need to leave early. He also said that I would have to come in no matter what. I could bring bottles of water to drink and just use a different toilet each time. I wasn't about to do that but luckily they had it fixed by the time I got here today. For those of you who have heard about the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes program. I am going to be a art judge this year in Indianapolis. I am also going to be helping our puppet crew decorate their portable puppet stage. They are going to have a beach scene and want to make it look 3D. I have an interview tonight with Baker College to see about get into the teaching certificate program. I decided to be a teacher again. I still plan to go to grad school but maybe I can teach while I study and take the GRE and get the grad school applications in and wait for acceptance letters. Well back to work.
[[ 9:38 AM ]]
i love hamsters`
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
It has been forever since I last updated this. Most of you probably have already heard about my Murphy's Christmas. But for those of you that haven't here it is:
On my birthday, I woke up at 5am to unfamiliar male voices right outside my bedroom door. It didn't dawn on me that it could be robbers so I opened the door. It was a policeman and two paramedics. My mom had woke up shaking uncontrollably and freezing cold. They rushed her to the hospital. They sent her home saying it was the flu but after a couple hours sleep my mom was as hyper as she ever was. She believes it was a reaction to the new medicine she had taken. Then the next day my mom went to the basement in search of our christmas stockings to find the sewer had backed up into our house. We spent the better part of the day trying to salvage what we could. We lost several books, most of our picture frames, and stuffed animals. By the time we repacked or sent things to the outside we discovered another place where it was coming up. We got everything out of the way and we went to the movies while my dad waited for the plumber. The plumbers fixed the problem. We went to my grandparents for christmas and had lots of fun. Then the wednesday after christmas my dad went to check on the basement and discovered the sewer had backed up again. He had managed to find it out before it had much of a chance to spread. It started soaking a box of my stuffed animals but I got them out into a clean plastic bag before it could ruin any but it ruined a whole box of papers my dad was going to shred. He had the plumbers come and luckily they have a policy that if they have to come back for the same problem within thirty days it is free. They fixed it and so far we have had no problems. Then friday my mom and i went to cash her paychecks and go out to my favorite german town. The bank took her checks because their account was in the negative. She asked how could that be when my dad's paycheck should have been direct deposited the day before. We called my dad and he checked. It turned out his paycheck was sent to the house instead of direct deposited. He managed to get it into the bank before they closed for the holiday. but they could only touch a hundred dollars of it. I paid for our food and the groceries. Then my brother-in-law got his dates on when he goes to Iraq. He leaves for his last drills the last weeks fo may. Then he is home for two and a half days before leaving on June 1st for Camp pendleton in california. Thats two days before their first anniversary. Then he leaves from there on August 1st to Iraq. He won't be back in the states until May 2008. He will have his debriefing and psychological testing before he can come home June 1, 2008. That's two days before their second anniversary. Good news is I have a temporary job as the church secretary until at least March. I don't know how much I get paid but my grandpa figures that out and my uncle writes the check. And money is money and anything is better than nothing. I also have my grandparents promise they will pay for and take me to get my driver's license when I have finished studying for the tests. At a college up here where my dad teaches they have a program for college graduates who want to teach elementary or secondary school to get certified. I think I am going to do that while I wait to see if I have to move in with my sister or if I can get my GRE taken and apply for grad school. Hopefully things will work out soon.
[[ 12:57 PM ]]
i love hamsters`
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
yeah, It has been awhile. So...
I fly home this Thursday to have another CT scan done. Hopefully there is no cancer and it was all just an allergic reaction to fungus.
Have a million stories about Terri and Chris' wedding for those who are interested. Have pictures to match also. My dad is travelling for work at the moment. He started in China, went to Korea, and now is in India. He goes to Luxemburg and France before finishing in England and coming home. He left a week and a half ago. He will be gone for a total of twenty days. My brother finally got on facebook.
Here's a funny story my sister told me a couple weeks ago. She was helping a foreign exchange student from China with Biology and struck up a sort of conversation with her. My sister mentioned me and how old I was and how my family always says I will marry someone from China or Japan. The girl said to my sister "I have brother" and my sister said really? The girl went on to say that her brother was still in China and in Shanghi. My sister mentioned my dad would be going to Shanghi. The girl said maybe my dad would meet her brother in Shanghi and then her brother and I could get together. Soon this girl was trying to hook me up with her brother who is the same age with me. I thought that was very interesting.
Speaking of China, Shakespeare in the park this year was a Chinese version of MacBeth. It was amazing. They used Shakespeare's words but with oriental music, scenes, costumes, and mannerisms. I wish I could have seen it a million more times.
Just saw the Black Dahlia Saturday night. That is an awesome movie once you get past the cussing and some nudity. It has so many twists in it I couldn't figure out the ending like I can with almost every movie I have ever seen. I warn you the ending can get you.
I guess that is enough for now, I have a class soon and need to read for it.
[[ 1:17 PM ]]
i love hamsters`
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Just got back from my family reunion. It was okay. I am so whiped out from being sick and the reunion. The doctors have a guess and a hope of what is wrong with me. I had a CT scan done on my chest. They discovered some spots on my lungs. The doctor said because I am young and the spots are mainly in the upper parts of my lungs that it is more likely an allergic reaction to something. There is an airborne mold which indigenous to where I live. I am affected by it because I was not born or raised here. Most who have grown up living here are use to it and it doesn't affect them anymore. I have to have another CT scan at the end of September to make sure the spots do not grow larger. If they get any bigger then it is not an allergic reaction but cancer that has spread to my lungs. If they shrink or stay the same then it is just the reaction. If they are bigger they will do a biopsy and search the rest of my body for the cancer. They haven't told me anything about my enlarged heart except it could be do to my weight. I don't think it is entirely that because just last fall my heart was normal size. But we shall see. See you all soon.
[[ 2:10 AM ]]
i love hamsters`
Saturday, July 15, 2006

My sister after her wedding!
[[ 5:29 PM ]]
i love hamsters`